Ch.7 Circuits

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Circuit Diagram

used to describe/analyze circuits

Analyzing Circuits

We want to find potential difference across each circuit component and current in each component

From conservation of charge,
Iin=Iout\sum I_\text{in}=\sum I_\text{out}
From conservation of energy, a charge that moves around a closed path has ΔUelec=0\Delta U_\text{elec}=0, so the potential differences of components satisfy
ΔVloop=(ΔV)i=0\Delta V_\text{loop}=\sum(\Delta V)_i=0
this is Kirchoff's Loop Law
For batteries, ΔVbat=ε\Delta V_\text{bat}=\varepsilon going from - end to ++ end
For resistors, ΔVres=ΔVR=IR\Delta V_\text{res}=-\Delta V_R=-IR; using Ohm's Law gives the magnitude IRIR

Basic Circuits

The most basic is a battery (a source) connected to a resistor, called a load (could be like a "10Ω10\Omega resistor" or a lightbulb). A continuous path between the battery terminals form a complete circuit


power is the rate at which energy is supplied (e.g. to a charge by a battery) measured in J/S\text{J}/\text{S} or W\text{W} (watts)
Since all energy from the battery gets dissipated by the resistor, the resistor's power is
PR=dqdtΔVR=IΔVR=IεP_R=\frac{dq}{dt}\Delta V_R=I\Delta V_R=I\varepsilon
In a simple circuit with one battery and one resistor, the power and potential differences are equal.
Across a resistor, Ohm's Law can be used so
PR=IΔVR=I2R=(ΔVR)2RP_R=I\Delta V_R=I^2R=\frac{(\Delta V_R)^2}{R}

The total energy dissipated can be calculated as J=PRΔtJ=P_R\Delta t. If PRP_R kilowatts of power is used over Δt\Delta t hours then the load has used PRΔt kWhP_R\Delta t\text{ kWh} (kiloWatt hours) of energy.

An ammeter measures current; must be in series

Real Batteries

Real batters contain an internal resistance, symbolized rr so the terminal voltage across it is εIr\varepsilon-Ir

If there was no load, the wire would short the circuit, with only internal load having resistance, giving a current of ε/r\varepsilon/r

A short circuit occurs when a wire that is normally separated by a high resistance is separated instead by a very low resistance. When R=0R=0, the current is
where rr is the internal resistance of the battery. This creates the maximum possible current

Parallel Resistors

Resistors where both ends are connected are parallel resistors; the connected ends have the same potential, giving the same potential differences for both. Thus, using the junction law,
I=Ii=ΔVRi=ΔV1RiI=\sum I_i=\sum\frac{\Delta V}{R_i}=\Delta V\sum\frac{1}{R_i}
The equivalent resistance is then therefore
=IΔV=1Req=1Ri=\frac{I}{\Delta V}=\frac{1}{R_\text{eq}}=\sum\frac{1}{R_i}

In summary, the current is the same in series and voltages are added; the voltage is the same in parallel and current is added

A voltmeter measures voltages by being in parallel with a circuit. The ideal voltmeter has resistance Rvoltmeter= ΩR_\text{voltmeter}=\infty\space\Omega

Grounded Circuits

Suppose we want to connect two different circuits. The potentials may not be compatible because we have only needed to consider the differences across components within that circuit.
Call the potential of the earth Vearth=0 VV_\text{earth}=0\text{ V} and connect one wire to it. This creates an incomplete circuit, leading to an equipotential wire with 00 current. Thus, this sets one part of the circuit to be 0 V0\text{ V} relative to the earth. This circuit is not grounded by the ground wire

RC Circuits

A circuit with resistors and capacitors have a current that varies with time as the capacitor charges/discharges is called an RC Circuit

Consider a simple circuit with capacitor charged to Q0Q_0 and potential difference ΔV0=Q0/C\Delta V_0=Q_0/C, a resistor, and a switch. When the switch is open, there is no current, so ΔV0=0\Delta V_0=0
As soon as the switch is closed at time t=0t=0, the capacitor starts to discharge and creates a current.

What is the current at time tt? How long does it take to discharge?
By the loop law,
ΔVcap+ΔVres=QCIR=0\Delta V_\text{cap}+\Delta V_\text{res}=\frac{Q}{C}-IR=0
where QQ and II are the instantaneous values at time tt. Since we have I=dq/dtI=dq/dt as the rate of charge flow through the resistor, we have I=dQdtI=-\frac{dQ}{dt}
as flowing charge was charge removed from the capacitor. When QQ is decreasing, dQ/dtdQ/dt is negative, so II is positive, as expected. This turns the loop law equation into
QC+dQdtR=0dtRC=dQQlnQQ0Q=tRC0tQ=Q0et/RC\frac{Q}{C}+\frac{dQ}{dt}R=0\implies-\frac{dt}{RC}=\frac{dQ}{Q}\implies\ln{Q}\Big|_{Q_0}^Q=-\frac{t}{RC}\Big|_0^t\implies Q=Q_0e^{-t/RC}
Since the exponent must be dimensionless, the quantity RCRC must have the dimension of time. We call the time constantτ=RC\tau=RC (note this means an Ohm-Farad must be a second)
With ΔV\Delta V proportional to QQ, this gives the equations
Q=Q0et/τ,   ΔV=ΔV0et/τQ=Q_0e^{-t/\tau},\space\space\space\Delta V=\Delta V_0e^{-t/\tau}
This results in the current being
I=dQdt=Q0τet/τ=ΔV0Ret/τ=I0et/τI=-\frac{dQ}{dt}=\frac{Q_0}{\tau}e^{-t/\tau}=\frac{\Delta V_0}{R}e^{-t/\tau}=I_0e^{-t/\tau}
where I0I_0 is the initial current the moment the switch is closed.

Charging a Capacitor

Consider a simple circuit with a battery with emf ε\varepsilon and switch, a resistor, and capacitor. When the switch closes, the capacitor charges until ΔVcap=ε\Delta V_\text{cap}=\varepsilon, at which point it has charge Q0=CΔVcap=CεQ_0=C\Delta V_\text{cap}=C\varepsilon
Using the loop law,
ΔVbat+ΔVres+ΔVcap=0εIRQC=0\Delta V_\text{bat}+\Delta V_\text{res}+\Delta V_\text{cap}=0\\\varepsilon-IR-\frac{Q}{C}=0
This time, the current is the rate of the capacitor's charge increasing, so I=dQ/dtI=dQ/dt, giving
Finally, we solve the differential equation
0tdtCR=0QdQCεQtCR=ln(CεQ)+ln(Cε)=ln(CεQCε)\int_0^t\frac{dt}{CR}=\int_0^Q\frac{dQ}{C\varepsilon-Q}\implies \frac{t}{CR}=-\ln(C\varepsilon-Q)+\ln(C\varepsilon)=-\ln\left(\frac{C\varepsilon-Q}{C\varepsilon}\right)
With some algebra and substituting τ=CR\tau=CR, we have
Cεet/τ=CεQQ=Cε(1et/τ)C\varepsilon e^{-t/\tau}=C\varepsilon-Q\implies Q=C\varepsilon(1-e^{-t/\tau})
and from ΔV=Q/C\Delta V=Q/C, we have
ΔV=ε(1et/τ)\Delta V=\varepsilon(1-e^{-t/\tau})
The resulting current from I=dQ/dtI=dQ/dt is
where τ=RC\tau=RC is the time constant and I0I_0 is the maximum current, which is when t=0t=0.